
Viktor Tretyakov

The President of#nbsp;the International Violin Competition in#nbsp;Krasnoyarsk is#nbsp;a#nbsp;violinist, teacher, conductor and he#nbsp;is#nbsp;truly a#nbsp;symbol of#nbsp;the Russian violin school.

In#nbsp;1966, when he#nbsp;was a#nbsp;student at#nbsp;the Moscow State Conservatory in#nbsp;the class of#nbsp;the legendary Yuri Yankelevich, he#nbsp;won the International Tchaikovsky Competition. From that time on, the musician’s fast-paced performing career began, and to#nbsp;this day he#nbsp;performs all over the world with unfailing success.

The maestro’s repertoire is#nbsp;based on#nbsp;violin concertos of#nbsp;the 19th century, and his interpretations of#nbsp;works of#nbsp;the 20th century, primarily by D.D. Shostakovich and S.S. Prokofiev, are recognized as#nbsp;a#nbsp;benchmark.

Viktor Tretyakov is#nbsp;the jury chairman of#nbsp;many international competitions.

He#nbsp;brought up#nbsp;a#nbsp;large number of#nbsp;wonderful violinists, being a#nbsp;professor at#nbsp;the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory and the High School of#nbsp;Music in#nbsp;Koeln.

From 1983 to#nbsp;1991 he#nbsp;headed the State Chamber Orchestra of#nbsp;the USSR.

Violinist, conductor, Professor of#nbsp;the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, High School of#nbsp;Music in#nbsp;Koeln, University in#nbsp;Zurich, Academician of#nbsp;the Russian Academy of#nbsp;Arts, President of#nbsp;the Music Foundation named after Y. I. Yankelevich, Chairman of#nbsp;the international competitions, Holder of#nbsp;the Lenin Komsomol Prize, Glinka State Prize of#nbsp;the RSFSR, D. Shostakovich Prize, Prize of#nbsp;the President of#nbsp;the Russian Federation in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;literature and art, Triumph Award, Musician of#nbsp;the Planet UNESCO Award, Recipient of#nbsp;the Order of#nbsp;Friendship of#nbsp;Peoples and the Order for Merit to#nbsp;the Fatherland 3rd and 4th class, People’s Artist of#nbsp;the USSR, the Honourable citizen of#nbsp;Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk region.
2023-09-06 15:05 III Competition