III Competition

Kokoro Imagawa

The young violinist was born in#nbsp;Osaka in#nbsp;1998. Started playing the violin at#nbsp;the age of#nbsp;4. Studied at#nbsp;the Soai school under Prof. Reiko Otani first, then at#nbsp;the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory under Prof. S. Kravchenko. The musician was honored at#nbsp;many prestigious competitions: with Special Prize of#nbsp;the jury at#nbsp;the International Johannes Brahms Competition (2016, Austria), with Kyoto Art Festival Encouragement Award (2017, Japan, Kyoto), with 1st Prize as#nbsp;the youngest winner of#nbsp;the Marine Iashvili International Competition (2019, Georgia), as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;the 1st place at#nbsp;the Violino International Violin Competition (2021, St. Petersburg). A#nbsp;remarkable teacher, Imagawa Kokoro holds the positions as#nbsp;soloist at#nbsp;the Ulyanovsk State Symphony Orchestra, Kazan Chamber Orchestra, at#nbsp;the same time maintaining an#nbsp;active tour schedule. The violin by#nbsp;the Italian master of#nbsp;the first half of#nbsp;the 19th century George Panormo, made in#nbsp;London, is#nbsp;provided for free use by#nbsp;the Moscow Violin Shop "Scroll Fine Instruments".
1st round
J. S. Bach. Adagio and Fuga from Sonata for Violin solo No. 1 G minor, BWV 1001
N. Paganini. Caprice No. 11 C major, Op. 1
E. Ysaye. Sonata for Violin solo No. 3 D minor, «Ballade», Op. 27

2nd round
E. Grieg. Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 3 C minor, Op. 45
S.V. Rachmaninoff. Vocalise Op. 34, No. 14
G. Gershwin – I. Frolov. Concert Fantasy on Themes from the opera «Porgy and Bess» F major, Op. 19

3rd round
S.V. Rachmaninoff. Trio élégiaque for Piano, Violin and Cello No. 1 G minor, TN 34
W. A. Mozart. Violin Concerto No. 4 D major, KV 218

4th round
D.D. Shostakovich. Violin Concerto No. 1 A minor, Op. 77