III Competition

Nurlybek Abylai

At the age of 4, began studying the violin under Prof. O. Danilova at the Baiseitov Secondary Specialized Music Boarding School for Gifted Children. Graduated cum laude from the Central Music School of Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, where in 2013−2019 he studied violin and music theory. Since 2019, a student at Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory under Associate Prof. A. Sokolova. Art director and conductor of the orchestra of the boarding school of the Central Music School (2017−2019). Member of the orchestra "Persimfance" (since 2018). Award-winner of the international competitions: "Astana — Мerey" (2012, Kazakhstan; 1st prize), Fiestalonia (2014, Rimini, Italy), UP TO THE SUN (2014, Basel, Switzerland), "Istedot" Competition (2016, Tashkent; 1st prize), V. Gavrilin Competition (2016, Vologda, 2nd prize). Scholar of the Vladimir Spivakov International Charity Foundation. Took classes from V. Mullova, A. Sokolova, D. Sitkovetsky, M. Geisler. As a soloist, performed with the Moscow Chamber Orchestra "Musica Viva" under the direction of A. Rudin, as well as the Omsk Academic Symphony Orchestra under the direction of D. Vasiliev.
1st round

J. S. Bach. Adagio and Fuga from Sonata for Violin solo No. 3 C major, BWV 1005
N. Paganini. Caprice No. 24 A minor, Op. 1
F. Kreisler. Recitativo and Scherzo-Caprice for Violin solo, Op. 6

2nd round
E. Grieg. Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 3 C minor, Op. 45
S.V. Rachmaninoff. Romance Op. 6, No. 1
N. Paganini. Introduction and variations for Violin solo on a theme of G. Paisiello’s opera «La Molinara» (arranged by W. Przygoda)

3rd round
S.V. Rachmaninoff. Trio élégiaque for Piano, Violin and Cello No. 1 G minor, TN 34
W. A. Mozart. Violin Concerto No. 5 A major, KV 219

4th round
P. I. Tchaikovsky. Violin Concerto D major, Op. 35