III Competition

Nurlybek Abylai

At#nbsp;the age of#nbsp;4, began studying the violin under Prof. O. Danilova at#nbsp;the Baiseitov Secondary Specialized Music Boarding School for Gifted Children. Graduated cum laude from the Central Music School of#nbsp;Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, where in#nbsp;2013−2019 he#nbsp;studied violin and music theory. Since 2019, a#nbsp;student at#nbsp;Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory under Associate Prof. A. Sokolova. Art director and conductor of#nbsp;the orchestra of#nbsp;the boarding school of#nbsp;the Central Music School (2017−2019). Member of#nbsp;the orchestra "Persimfance" (since 2018). Award-winner of#nbsp;the international competitions: "Astana#nbsp;— Мerey" (2012, Kazakhstan; 1st prize), Fiestalonia (2014, Rimini, Italy), UP#nbsp;TO THE SUN (2014, Basel, Switzerland), "Istedot" Competition (2016, Tashkent; 1st prize), V. Gavrilin Competition (2016, Vologda, 2nd prize). Scholar of#nbsp;the Vladimir Spivakov International Charity Foundation. Took classes from V. Mullova, A. Sokolova, D. Sitkovetsky, M. Geisler. As#nbsp;a#nbsp;soloist, performed with the Moscow Chamber Orchestra "Musica Viva" under the direction of A. Rudin, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;the Omsk Academic Symphony Orchestra under the direction of D. Vasiliev.
1st round

J. S. Bach. Adagio and Fuga from Sonata for Violin solo No. 3 C major, BWV 1005
N. Paganini. Caprice No. 24 A minor, Op. 1
F. Kreisler. Recitativo and Scherzo-Caprice for Violin solo, Op. 6

2nd round
E. Grieg. Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 3 C minor, Op. 45
S.V. Rachmaninoff. Romance Op. 6, No. 1
N. Paganini. Introduction and variations for Violin solo on a theme of G. Paisiello’s opera «La Molinara» (arranged by W. Przygoda)

3rd round
S.V. Rachmaninoff. Trio élégiaque for Piano, Violin and Cello No. 1 G minor, TN 34
W. A. Mozart. Violin Concerto No. 5 A major, KV 219

4th round
P. I. Tchaikovsky. Violin Concerto D major, Op. 35