III Competition

Efimova Nelli

Graduate of#nbsp;the Central Music School at#nbsp;the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory (class of G. Turchaninova). Currently studying in#nbsp;the class of#nbsp;Elena Revich. Laureate of#nbsp;all-Russian and international competitions: Bobylev International Violin Competition (2011, Ryazan; 1st prize), Lavrynovych International Competition for Young Violinists (2013, Plock, Poland; 2nd prize), International Festival-Competition "Open Europe-Open Planet" (2018, Moscow; 1st prize), All-Russian Competition of#nbsp;Performing Musicians named after Dr. F. P. Gaaz (2018, Moscow; Grand Prix), International Slavic Music Competition (2018, Ostrava, Czech Republic; 1st prize), the All-Russian Internet Competition for Bowed String Instruments Performers "ARGEST" (2018, Moscow; 1st prize), the Governor’s International Youth Contest named after V.A. Gavrilin (2019, Vologda; 2nd prize), the International Music Competition dedicated to I.F. Stravinsky (2023, St. Petersburg; 1st prize). Has attended the master classes of V. Tretyakov, N. Likhopoi, I. Ioff, M. Gotsdiner, V. Smailovich-Huart, D. Yakubovsky. Has worked with such conductors as: Y. Bashmet, S. Bezrodnaya, A. Skudnov, D. Schudrov, S. Lebedev.

1st round
J. S. Bach. Adagio and Fuga from Sonata for Violin solo No. 1 G minor, BWV 1001
N. Paganini. Caprice No. 1 E minor, Op.1
E. Ysaye. Sonata for Violin solo No. 3 D minor, «Ballade», Op. 27

2nd round
E. Grieg. Sonata for violin and piano No. 3 C minor, Op. 45
S.V. Rachmaninoff. Romance Op. 6, No. 1
M. Ravel. «Tzigane», Concert Rhapsody for Violin and Piano, М 76

3rd round
S.V. Rachmaninoff. Trio élégiaque for Piano, Violin and Cello No. 1 G minor, TN 34
W. A. Mozart. Violin Concerto No. 5 A major, KV 219

4th round
P.I. Tchaikovsky. Violin Concerto D major, Op. 35