III Competition

Fang Yinuo

At#nbsp;the age of#nbsp;4, she began learning to#nbsp;play the piano, three years later, in#nbsp;2013, she was admitted to#nbsp;the Wenzhou Youth Art School and officially began learning to#nbsp;play the violin. In#nbsp;2019, she entered the Middle School of#nbsp;the Central Conservatory of#nbsp;Music (Beijing, China), classes of#nbsp;associate professors Chen Xi#nbsp;and Xie Haoming. Laureate of#nbsp;the#nbsp;XI International Music Competition (2020, Serbia; 1st prize), the Golden Classical Music Awards International Competition (2020, USA; 1st prize and the right to#nbsp;perform at#nbsp;Carnegie Hall), the Hengqin Cup National Violin Sonata Competition (2021; 2nd place), International Violin Competition (2022, Hong Kong; 1st place in#nbsp;the junior group), III National Youth Violin Concerto Competition (2022; 2nd place), VIII Governor’s International Youth Contest named after V.A. Gavrilin (2022; 1st prize in#nbsp;the junior group), finalist of#nbsp;the#nbsp;XI International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians (2023)

1st round
J. S. Bach. Adagio and Fuga from Sonata for Violin solo No. 1 G minor, BWV 1001
N. Paganini. Caprice No. 11 C major, Op. 1
E. Ysaye. Sonata for Violin solo No. 3 D minor, «Ballade», Op. 27

2nd round
E. Grieg. Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 2 G major, Op.13
S.V. Rachmaninoff. Vocalise Op. 34, No. 14
H. Wieniawski. Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 15

3rd round
S.V. Rachmaninoff. Trio élégiaque for Piano, Violin and Cello No. 1 G minor, TN 34
W. A. Mozart. Violin Concerto No. 4 D major, KV 218

4th round
J. Sibelius. Violin Concerto D minor, Op. 47