2023-09-10 20:50

Siberian State Symphony Orchestra

The orchestra has been recording its history since 1977, and for more than 45 years its concerts have always been sold out, giving the grateful audience not only the pleasure of#nbsp;beautiful sound, but also a#nbsp;chance to#nbsp;meet the mysterious Russian soul. Headed for a#nbsp;quarter of#nbsp;a#nbsp;century by#nbsp;the People’s Artist of#nbsp;Russia Ivan Shpiller (1935−2003), the Orchestra gained a#nbsp;reputation as#nbsp;one of#nbsp;the best in#nbsp;the country. At#nbsp;different times, the orchestra was headed by#nbsp;worldclass musicians Vladimir Svoysky and Mark Kadin. Since 2015, it#nbsp;has been headed by#nbsp;Vladimir Lande. Leading musicians of#nbsp;the world collaborate with the Orchestra. In#nbsp;addition to#nbsp;performing almost all significant works of#nbsp;the world symphonic repertoire, the Orchestra is#nbsp;open to#nbsp;new music, to#nbsp;experiments at#nbsp;the intersection of#nbsp;genres, introduces the public to#nbsp;the work of#nbsp;young composers and artists, performing works that have never been heard in#nbsp;Krasnoyarsk before and created specifically for the Siberian State Symphony Orchestra. Krasnoyarsk musicians are applauded by#nbsp;the best concert halls in#nbsp;Russia, the Netherlands, China, Korea, Latin America, Serbia, Switzerland, and Estonia. The Orchestra pays great attention to#nbsp;education, upbringing and preservation of#nbsp;cultural and spiritual values. It#nbsp;takes an#nbsp;active part in#nbsp;international festivals: the Trans-Siberian Art Festival (artistic director Vadim Repin), "New Names" for the regions of#nbsp;Russia (artistic director Denis Matsuev), Dmitri Hvorostovsky Festival and the "Bells" Arts Festival (artistic director Anton Levakhin), organizes and participates in#nbsp;the International Festival named after I.V. Shpiller. In#nbsp;2009, the orchestra received the status of#nbsp;an#nbsp;object of#nbsp;particularly valuable cultural heritage of#nbsp;the Krasnoyarsk region.