
Ekaterina Mechetina (Russia)

Was born into a family of musicians. At the age of 4 she began learning to play the piano, at the age of 5 she performed on stage for the first time, at the age of 10 her first concert took place in the concert hall of the Central Music School at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, at the age of 13 she went on her first tour, 15 solo concerts in the cities of Japan (1991). Graduated with honors from the Central Music School (1996, class of T.L. Koloss), the Moscow Conservatory (2001, class of Associate Professor V.P. Ovchinnikov) and completed her postgraduate studies (2004, Professor S.L. Dorensky). She undertook a traineeship in Paris at the invitation of maestro Mstislav Rostropovich. Winner of many prestigious international music competitions and festivals. Soloist of the Moscow State Philharmonic Society (since 2001). Member of the jury of the International Television Competition for Young Musicians "The Nutcracker" (2008- 2010). Assistant of the Department of Special Piano headed by Professor M.S. Voskresensky (since 2009). President of the Green Noise International Youth Festival of Arts (since 2013, Surgut). Associate Professor of the Department of Special Piano headed by Professor A.A. Pisarev (since 2020). Has performed in more than forty countries with such conductors as: M. Rostropovich, V. Spivakov, V. Fedoseev, S. Sondetskis, Y. Simonov, P. Kogan, V. Ponkin, D. Liss and others. Member of the Presidential Council for Culture and Art (2011); member of the Presidium of the Council (2014). In 2005 on the Belgian label Fuga Libera the pianist released her first disc of recordings of works by Rachmaninoff. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.