Vasilisa Sokolova is#nbsp;11 years old. From early childhood, she’s been developing her musical talent under the guidance of#nbsp;Natalia Likhopoi. The young violinist has an#nbsp;impressive list of#nbsp;victories. Here are some of#nbsp;her achievements: 1st degree laureate of#nbsp;the Oskar Rieding International Competition for Young Musicians (Slovenia, May 2019), 2nd degree laureate of#nbsp;the I#nbsp;International Competition "Solo with Orchestra" (Moscow, December 2019), Grand Prix of#nbsp;the International Competition "World Music Art-Helsinki 2019 Silver Palm" (December 2019, Finland), 1st degree laureate of#nbsp;the#nbsp;IV Open All-Russian Violin Competition named after. G.S. Turchaninova (Novomoskovsk, April 2021), 1st degree laureate of#nbsp;the XII Moscow Open Festival-Competition of#nbsp;Young Performers of#nbsp;Ancient Music named after Leopold Mozart (Moscow, March 2022), 1st degree laureate of#nbsp;the VIII Valery Gavrilin Governor’s International Youth Competition (Vologda, April 2022), 1st degree laureate and Grand Prix winner of#nbsp;the Akdeniz Sounds International Youth Festival and Competition (Turkey, 2022), 1st degree laureate and Grand Prix winner of#nbsp;the XXXIII Rovere d’Oro and Young Talents International Music Performance Competition (Italy, 2022), 1st degree laureate of#nbsp;the#nbsp;IX National Youth Delphic Games of#nbsp;the Republic of#nbsp;Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan, 2023), 1st degree laureate of#nbsp;the International Music Competition dedicated to I.F. Stravinsky (St. Petersburg, 2023).