III Competition

III Viktor Tretyakov International Violin Competition in Krasnoyarsk - tickets on sale

The competition will be#nbsp;held in#nbsp;the small homeland of#nbsp;Viktor Tretyakov, outstanding musician of#nbsp;our time and People’s Artist of#nbsp;the USSR, from September 20 to#nbsp;October 1, 2023. This event is#nbsp;designed to#nbsp;become another step for gifted musicians on#nbsp;the path to#nbsp;sharpening their skills, the start of#nbsp;a#nbsp;brilliant career.

This year geography of#nbsp;the Competition includes eight countries: Federal Republic of#nbsp;Germany, Canada, People’s Republic of#nbsp;China, Republic of#nbsp;Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Republic of#nbsp;Slovenia, Swiss Confederation, Japan.

22 violinists aged 16 to#nbsp;32 will take part in#nbsp;the competition after a#nbsp;preselection round to#nbsp;compete for the honorary right to#nbsp;receive the main prizes from the maestro.

The skill of#nbsp;the participants will be#nbsp;assessed by#nbsp;a#nbsp;competent jury under the constant chairmanship of#nbsp;Viktor Tretyakov. Jury members are the stars of#nbsp;the world violin scene and virtuosos, they represent the jury of#nbsp;the International Tchaikovsky Competition and the world’s largest music universities.

The official opening ceremony of#nbsp;the III Viktor Tretyakov International Violin Competition will take place on#nbsp;September 20 in#nbsp;the Small Concert Hall named after I. V. Shpiller of#nbsp;the Krasnoyarsk Regional Philharmonic. The audience will not only get to#nbsp;know the participants, but also hear compositions of#nbsp;violin classics performed by#nbsp;invited musicians. World-famous Chen Xi (China), a#nbsp;bright musician with a#nbsp;pronounced personality, winner of#nbsp;numerous international competitions and jury member, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;Daniel Austrich (Russia/Germany), violinist, conductor, educator, winner of#nbsp;international competitions, ideological inspirer and founder of#nbsp;the international music platform Mindfreemusic. The young genius Fengning Guo (China) and Vasilisa Sokolova, Natalya Likhopoy’s student, who have many victories ahead, will play with the stars on#nbsp;the same stage.

The competition program consists of#nbsp;four main rounds. The first and second rounds will be#nbsp;held on#nbsp;September 21−24 at#nbsp;the Big Academic Concert Hall of#nbsp;the Krasnoyarsk State Academy of#nbsp;Arts named after D. Hvorostovsky.

The third round will take place on#nbsp;September 26−27 and the fourth round#nbsp;— on#nbsp;September 29−30 in#nbsp;the Small Concert Hall named after I. V. Shpiller of#nbsp;the Krasnoyarsk Regional Philharmonic, closing of#nbsp;the competition with an#nbsp;awards ceremony and a#nbsp;concert of#nbsp;the winners will be#nbsp;held on#nbsp;October 1 at#nbsp;the Big Concert Hall of#nbsp;the Krasnoyarsk Regional Philharmonic.

For the opening and closing of#nbsp;the competition, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;for the third and fourth rounds tickets can be#nbsp;bought at#nbsp;the box office and on#nbsp;the Philharmonic website. Entrance to#nbsp;the first and second rounds of#nbsp;the competition is#nbsp;by#nbsp;invitation tickets only, which can be#nbsp;taken at#nbsp;the entrance area of#nbsp;the Krasnoyarsk State Academy of#nbsp;Arts from September 11.

The Organizer of#nbsp;the Viktor Tretyakov International Violin Competition is#nbsp;the Ministry of#nbsp;Culture of#nbsp;the Krasnoyarsk region. The Competition is#nbsp;held once in#nbsp;two years with the support from the Ministry of#nbsp;Culture of#nbsp;the Russian Federation and the Government of#nbsp;the Krasnoyarsk region.

The Competition schedule can be#nbsp;found here.
2023-09-04 10:10